Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Today I wanted to go back in time, reach through my radio and...

punch a podcasting blogger in the face.

I was listening to a podcast from 2009 about un-schooling. Instead of talking about this, the guest went on and on about natural childbirth and visualization methods used in several methods she is certified to teach (Bir.thing from Within and I can't remember the other one, I haven't heard of it before). I was gritting my teeth to get through it so I could hear what I was listening for when she basically said if she hadn't been able to visualize her first birth as a natural birth, she might have had a c-section then she might have had formula fed babies and kids in public school! Apparently that is the worst thing in the world? She enrobed it in the "do what is right for you and your family" bullshit but apparently if her first birth had snowballed into surgery it would have been because she didn't try hard enough, then obviously breastfeeding wouldn't have been successful. Obviously if breastfeeding isn't successful, you didn't try hard enough, and parents who don't try enough send their kids to public school. She condescendingly mentioned that her clients who worry most about surgery/epi/induction end up with those things because that is what they visualized and they didn't want the natural birth badly enough.

Fuck her.

So, because I was a realist, my c-section was my fault. Good to know. I hate people who believe their hard work and "research" are what get them a natural birth. I firmly believe a ton of it is luck. Mich.elle D.uggar has had something like 5 c-sections. I am pretty sure her body was made to birth babies. Some people have easy births, some people have not so easy births, and some people need a little help. No one can "research" themselves into a 4 hour labor and delivery, no matter how much they would like to.

I guess I shouldn't be too angry. The woman had, IIRC, 2 so-so hospital births, a not so great homebirth, and a  great homebirth. The first homebirth was apparently ruined  by her lighting candles and listening to Enya. The great homebirth was because she was true to herself and listened to Meta.llica. Obviously she isn't too bright.

I don't think she ever got to the un.schooling I was listening for.